Monday, July 14, 2008


I am feeling much better and it's a good thing because I am running around like a mad woman trying to get ready for our upcoming move. We finally worked out a deal and found a home to rent in Minnesota. The town we are moving to is so small that is was so hard to find a home for rent. We had to pay for August's rent even though we aren't going to be living in the home for more than a week or two just to hold the place. Here is the house we will make a home for the next year or more.

It's cuter than I had imagined and the only down side is how small it is. We will be downsizing quite a bit. My husband and I decided to just sell almost all of our furniture and start over. I know this sounds like more work. We just have such modern and large furniture and it just won't work with wood paneling in a tiny house.

We will be replacing some items like our sofa/love seat, kitchen table, and entertainment center but the rest of it just won't fit. So far I have sold our sofa, love seat, end tables, kitchen tables, some bookshelves, and I am still selling more. Oh, and we are also trying to sell my husband's suv. I really hope we sell it since it will just sit outside once we get there. Please wish us luck on that! It's so much work trying to sell everything but also exciting to get new stuff.


Diario de Elysia said...

LOL Wood paneling...they still put that up?

It is a cute house. Very exciting stuff happening to your family!

Lacy said...


The wood paneling was probably all the rage when this home was built.

Anonymous said...

This house is soooo cute! I love it! You guys should be comfortable there, I believe! How exciting! New Stuff and a fresh start! Very cool! Best wishes! Take pix of the move, if you have time!