Thursday, October 9, 2008

the first day of school...

was the hardest day for me. I thought my son would fall to pieces and cry for me so I hung around the area and did some shopping. I was so sure that his teacher would call any minute needing me to come comfort him.
But she never called. It turns out that I am the one who had the hardest time letting go. My husband even came by to see me and keep me some company. It was nice to have him stop by because I am sure the ladies at the shops were tired of hearing all about my son’s first day of school and it was nice to talk about it with someone who cares. I picked him up and found out he didn’t even ask for me. He had a great time and really loves going to school now. If preschool is this hard on me I hate to see how I will be next year when he starts kindergarten.

Here he is outside of school making faces at me and being totally embarrassed by his crazy mom who was taking too many pictures.

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